Prairie Mango

Prairie Mango

Coming 2022: Clutter-Free Space

Blog series idea for January 2022: Tracking my decluttering progress (or lack thereof, we’ll see). One of my top priorities for the new year, right behind “writing,” is decluttering. I’ve had trouble with clutter for as long as I can remember. It adds to the stress of life - almost every time I go out I am delayed because I can’t find something in the mess. I’m embarrassed to invite friends and family over. I’d love to have less stuff and buy less as well.

The book I hope will guide me through the process is Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff by Dana K. White 📚. I’ve read Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and really enjoyed it. I was able to make some significant progress on the categories I tackled (clothes and books). But I’m still barely able to see the surface of my desk or the top of my coffee table. I’m hoping that Dana White’s book will hold my hand through the process.